Our quiz revealed that you are a monolingual household
This group’s biggest concern is to introduce another language.
This group’s biggest concern is to introduce another language.
You both speak the language of the country you’re living in to your children. Perhaps this is your natural default or perhaps you are not yet speaking your language to your children and have the potential to turn your household into a Bilingual Minority, Bilingual Majority, or Trilingual household. If that’s the case, take the test again and answer with your potential language balance in mind.
If this is your natural default, imagine how exposing your children to other languages prepares them for an incredibly bright future.
You should focus your energy on figuring out how to imagine space for your languages. If you feel unsure, go through these ten statements and download our map to raising multilingual children. This should give you some pointers.
If you are ready to take action, join us for one of our courses and meet other parents just like you.